Creating a document from file (initial document state)

@canadaduane - inside of y-websocket inside setupWSConnection, i modified this block:

 const doc = map.setIfUndefined(docs, docName, () => {
    const doc = new WSSharedDoc(docName)
    doc.gc = gc
    if (persistence !== null) {
      persistence.bindState(docName, doc)
    docs.set(docName, doc)
    const content = 'testing123';
    const ytext = new Y.Text();
    ytext.insert(0, content);
    const state = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ytext.doc);
    Y.applyUpdate(doc, state);
    return doc

but i’ve tried different variations, and when I start the server it looks good, but now when i get the document from the client the sever errors out:

running on port 1234
  writeClientsStructs(encoder,, targetStateVector);

TypeError: Cannot read property 'store' of null
    at writeStateAsUpdate (/Users/tcubbedge/my-y-websockets-server/node_modules/yjs/dist/yjs.cjs:797:36)