Undo / redo on modified arrays leads to duplicated data

Hi, I posted about this issue in this thread.
In that case I was developing a simple collaborative Kanban board in which I can drag notes between different containers.
My solution was to identify duplications and avoid rendering them.
I identified duplications by giving IDs to everything, and having each note point to its container. Like this:

  "containers": {
    "1": {
      "name": "Doing",
      "noteIds": [
        "3" // Not rendered: note points to container "2"
    "2": {
      "name": "Done",
      "noteIds": [
        "3", // Not rendered: already appeared in this container
  "notes": {
    "1": { "containerId": "1" },
    "2": { "containerId": "1" },
    "3": { "containerId": "2" },
    "4": { "containerId": "2" }

Hope that helps.

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