What do you want to see in a Yjs tutorial?

A basic concept is that ALL the history of the Doc is stored, and that this is necessary for the CRDT to do its job. It’s a shift from thinking of data synchronically (JSON).

I would also say to start thinking about memory usage early. YJS was built as a general purpose realtime CRDT framework, but its case study has always been a single word processing doc. Many real-time applications have different volumes of data and lifespans than word processing docs. Efficient binary optimization only gets you so far when you’re working with hundreds of thousands or millions of objects. Load time is the main thing that suffers, as you have mentioned elsewhere. Splitting into multiple Docs decreases load time, but at the cost of atomicity.

Subdocs are half-baked, so managing any nontrivial number of Docs requires a robust, custom solution that can load/destroy/update them appropriately.

You might also take some tips from Thinking the Yjs 'way'

Look forward to seeing the end result!