Apply delta to javascript array

Is there any utility to apply delta object of Y.Array Event to javascript array. For example I get this delta object in Y.Array observer:

        "retain": 1
        "insert": [
                "copytext": "Hello world",
                "id": "1104",
        "retain": 1
        "delete": 1

So we have an array where we leave one element, then insert new, then leave one and then delete one. This is a sequence of actions that should be applied to a regular JavaScript array. What is the best way to do that?

Hi, welcome.

Iā€™m not aware of a built-in utility to apply delta objects to normal Javascript arrays, but you can define it yourself like this:

const applyDelta = (input, delta) => {
  let cursor = 0
  let output = []

  delta.forEach(op => {
    if (op.delete) {
      cursor += op.delete
    else if (op.retain) {
      output.push(...input.slice(cursor, cursor + op.retain))
      cursor += op.retain
    else if (op.insert) {


  return output

console.log(applyDelta(['a', 'b', 'c'], [
    "retain": 1
    "insert": [
        "copytext": "Hello world",
        "id": "1104",
    "retain": 1
    "delete": 1


['a', { copytext: 'Hello world', id: '1104' }, 'b' ]
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Looks good. Thank you!