Database recomendations y-websocket server?

Hello all.

We are using y-websocket (y-websocket/bin/utils.js).

In the spirit of simplicity, we have implemented session-affinity in front of y-websocket server.
(i.e: All clients working on the same document go to the same server) This means we get to use the existing cursor states and we don’t have to worry about pub/sub across different servers etc.

In the future, we would love to move to a distributed approach. (For another day…)

In development we have been using y-dynamodb as our storage solution. We want to avoid Redis as we aren’t using pub/sub across servers and it adds a layer of complexity with regards to moving documents to long-term storage and clearing Redis etc…

We have one issue with DynamoDB so far… (The maximum item size in DynamoDB is 400 KB) some of our documents are larger than that…

What storage solutions are people using?
Is anyone approaching this in the same way as us?

Hi @jstleger0.

I’m using Redis and MongoDB for my distributed app

The app still needs to be internationalized, but it works fine these days.

I’m still testing it intensely to see the limits this approach can have.

At the moment I know there is a way to improve many small details, but it seems to me a distributed, scalable and performative solution.

I haven’t made any proxy-related changes to the code.

@kamikazebr Many thanks for your input, I was thinking quite much along these lines. Could you provide me with a (minimal) working example, such that I could replicate your solution?

That would be terrific :slight_smile: