Efficiency: Going from a Non GC'd YDoc to a GC'd One

We have this code to go from a non-gc’d document to a gc’d one:

const neverCollectedYDoc = new Y.Doc({ gc: false });
      Y.applyUpdate(neverCollectedYDoc, initialState); // From Data Stores
      Y.applyUpdate(neverCollectedYDoc, streamData); // From Memory Streams
      const snapshot1 = Y.snapshot(neverCollectedYDoc); // Our Snapshot
      const neverGarbageCollectedState = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(neverCollectedYDoc); // Our history doc

      // This action converts it to a garbaged collected state
      const collectedDoc = new Y.Doc({ gc: true });
      Y.applyUpdate(collectedDoc, neverGarbageCollectedState);
      const collectedState = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(collectedDoc); // Our sync doc

We are hoping to skip these bits:

 // This action converts it to a garbaged collected state
      const collectedDoc = new Y.Doc({ gc: true });
      Y.applyUpdate(collectedDoc, neverGarbageCollectedState);

Is there a more efficient way to do this straight from the non-gc’d doc?

Is there a more efficient way to do this straight from the non-gc’d doc?

Not yet. This might be something we can add in the future.