Introducing Remirror v1 πŸŽ‰

After 2.5 years of development and over 200 pre-releases, we’re excited to introduce Remirror v1!

:dart: The overarching goal for v1 was to bring the Remirror core into a shape that can stay stable for the foreseeable future. This work was guided by our learnings from the 0.x releases and by the feedback from community members who use Remirror in production.

:sparkles: The v1 release features some major highlights:

  • Support for collaborative editing via yjs: Storybook
  • Simplified APIs for hooks, commands, and positioners
  • Chainable commands
  • Prepackaged components for common use cases
  • Expanded documentation and storybook

:racing_car: Use one of the tutorials to give the v1 release a spin:

  • 5 min tutorial: Build an app with a pre-packaged editor
  • Getting started: Build your own tailor-made editor and learn about the core concepts underlying Remirror

:pray: A big thanks to ifi and all the other contributors who made the release possible!

Full announcement: Introducing Remirror v1 πŸŽ‰ | Remirror


Congrats on the v1 release! How does remirror compare to tiptap?

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