Hello helpers,
I’m working to create a tiny spreadsheet using Yjs and encounting a issue with observeDeep()
. I wanted to observe any changes of worksheet, rows or values in a workbook (a Y.Map as a collection of worksheets) by using observeDeep()
method, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t capture any changes like adding new rows into a worksheet (a Y.Array<Y.Array<any>>
object), or adding new values into a row (a Y.Array<any>
object). Plase give me any help.
Do you think if this issue might be somewhat related to [Initial offline value of a shared document - #13 by dmonad]…
private test() {
const sync = (doc1: Y.Doc, doc2: Y.Doc) => {
const state1 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(doc1);
const state2 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(doc2);
Y.applyUpdate(doc1, state2, doc2);
Y.applyUpdate(doc2, state1, doc1);
const init = (doc: Y.Doc, sheetName: string) => {
// Set up a new worksheet in a 'sheets' map collection.
const sheets = doc.getMap('sheets') as Y.Map<Y.Array<Y.Array<any> | null>>;
sheets.set(sheetName, new Y.Array<Y.Array<any> | null>());
// Observe any changes of worksheets, rows, or cells in the 'sheets' collection.
sheets.observeDeep((events: Y.YEvent<any>[], tr: Y.Transaction) => {
if (tr.origin === doc) return;
for (const event of events) {
console.log('event path:', event.path.toString());
const sheetName = 'Sheet1';
// Prepare two spreadsheet-like documents
const doc1 = new Y.Doc();
const doc2 = new Y.Doc();
init(doc1, sheetName);
init(doc2, sheetName);
// Add a value at cell (2, 1) of the worksheet in doc1
const sheets = doc1.getMap('sheets') as Y.Map<Y.Array<Y.Array<any> | null>>;
const sheet = sheets.get(sheetName)!;
doc1.transact(() => {
// insert a new Y.Array at the position of row 2
const rows = [null, null, new Y.Array<any>()];
sheet.insert(0, rows);
// insert a new cell value at the position of columnn 1
sheet.get(2)!.insert(0, [null, 'Hello']);
}, doc1);
// Sync doc1 and doc2
sync(doc1, doc2); // Just 'event path: ' was logged twice. No events of adding new rows or new values in a sheet were captured.
// See if doc2 has the same value at cell (2, 1) of the worksheet.
const sheets2 = doc2.getMap('sheets') as Y.Map<Y.Array<Y.Array<any> | null>>;
const value = sheets2.get(sheetName)?.get(2)?.get(1);
console.log('value of cell(2, 1):', value); // 'value of cell(2, 1): Hello' <-- OK