Currently, we have connected y-websocket to implement real-time collaboration of our editor.
The problem is that if I send a lot of differences in one transact(), the error ‘Max payload size exceeded’ occurs.
Basically, I saw data size that the difference was compressed and transmitted using the V1, and I applied it as follows to try to transmit the compressed data using the V2.
We used the method of separating the ydoc (remoteYDoc) connected to the websocket and the ydoc to be modified, making the modifications of ydoc updateV2 and applying them to remoteYDoc.
the modification of ydoc was made updateV2 and applied to remoteYDoc.
this.yDoc = new Y.Doc();
this.remoteYDoc = new Y.Doc();
this.provider = new WebsocketProvider(this.__wsUrl__, this.__docId__, this.remoteYDoc);
this.remoteYDoc.on('updateV2', (update) => {
Y.applyUpdateV2(this.yDoc, update); // update yDoc
console.log(Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(this.yDoc, Y.encodeStateVector(this.remoteYDoc)).byteLength, Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(this.remoteYDoc, Y.encodeStateVector(this.yDoc)).byteLength, 'yDoc remoteYDoc is same');
const befStateVectorfortest = Y.encodeStateVector(this.yDoc);
this.yDoc.transact(() => {
diffResults.forEach((result) => {this.__applyYModel__(result); });
}, this.getClientId());
const testV1 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(this.yDoc, befStateVectorfortest)
const testV2 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdateV2(this.yDoc, befStateVectorfortest)
console.log('v1', testV1.byteLength, 'v2 expect to send', testV2.byteLength);
const remoteStateVector = Y.encodeStateVector(this.remoteYDoc) //yromotedoc before
const diff1 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdateV2(this.yDoc, remoteStateVector)
Y.applyUpdateV2(this.remoteYDoc, diff1, this.getClientId()); // apply diff to remoteYDoc with V2
However, the actual size of the data being transferred is equal to the size of the data compressed in v1, not the data compressed in v2.
How did this go wrong?
And how can I transfer data compressed to v2 to websocket?