Y-tabssync posting here the source code - Provider to sync tabs only

Hello. here is the source code to only sync tabs (you will need in the same folder the crypto.js from y-webrtc. HTH

import * as error from 'lib0/error';
import * as random from 'lib0/random';
import * as encoding from 'lib0/encoding';
import * as decoding from 'lib0/decoding';
import { Observable } from 'lib0/observable';
import * as promise from 'lib0/promise';
import * as bc from 'lib0/broadcastchannel';
import { createMutex } from 'lib0/mutex';

import * as Y from 'yjs' // eslint-disable-line

import * as syncProtocol from 'y-protocols/sync';
import * as awarenessProtocol from 'y-protocols/awareness';

import * as cryptoutils from './crypto';

// const log = logging.createModuleLogger('y-tabssync');

const messageSync = 0;
const messageQueryAwareness = 3;
const messageAwareness = 1;
const messageBcPeerId = 4;

 * @type {Map<string,Room>}
const rooms = new Map();

 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @param {function} syncedCallback
 * @return {encoding.Encoder?}
const readMessage = (room, buf, syncedCallback) => {
  const decoder = decoding.createDecoder(buf);
  const encoder = encoding.createEncoder();
  const messageType = decoding.readVarUint(decoder);
  if (room === undefined) {
    return null;
  const awareness = room.awareness
  const doc = room.doc;
  let sendReply = false;
  switch (messageType) {
    case messageSync: {
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, messageSync);
      const syncMessageType = syncProtocol.readSyncMessage(decoder, encoder, doc, room);
      if (syncMessageType === syncProtocol.messageYjsSyncStep2 && !room.synced) {
      if (syncMessageType === syncProtocol.messageYjsSyncStep1) {
        sendReply = true;
    case messageQueryAwareness:
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, messageAwareness)
      encoding.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, awarenessProtocol.encodeAwarenessUpdate(awareness, Array.from(awareness.getStates().keys())))
      sendReply = true
    case messageAwareness:
      awarenessProtocol.applyAwarenessUpdate(awareness, decoding.readVarUint8Array(decoder), room)
    case messageBcPeerId: {
      const add = decoding.readUint8(decoder) === 1;
      const peerName = decoding.readVarString(decoder);
      if (peerName !== room.peerId && ((room.bcConns.has(peerName) && !add) || (!room.bcConns.has(peerName) && add))) {
        const removed = [];
        const added = [];
        if (add) {
        } else {
        room.provider.emit('peers', [{
          bcPeers: Array.from(room.bcConns)
      console.error('Unable to compute message');
      return encoder;
  if (!sendReply) {
    // nothing has been written, no answer created
    return null;
  return encoder;

 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {Uint8Array} m
const broadcastBcMessage = (room, m) => cryptoutils.encrypt(m, room.key).then(data =>
  room.mux(() =>
    bc.publish(room.name, data)

 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {Uint8Array} m
const broadcastRoomMessage = (room, m) => {
  if (room.bcconnected) {
    broadcastBcMessage(room, m);

 * @param {Room} room
const broadcastBcPeerId = room => {
  if (room.provider.filterBcConns) {
    // broadcast peerId via broadcastchannel
    const encoderPeerIdBc = encoding.createEncoder();
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoderPeerIdBc, messageBcPeerId);
    encoding.writeUint8(encoderPeerIdBc, 1);
    encoding.writeVarString(encoderPeerIdBc, room.peerId);
    broadcastBcMessage(room, encoding.toUint8Array(encoderPeerIdBc));

export class Room {
  private doc: any;
  private _docUpdateHandler: any;
  private name: any;
  private _bcSubscriber: any;
  private bcconnected: any;
  private _beforeUnloadHandler: any;
  private peerId: any;
  private provider: any;
  private synced: any;
  private key: any;
  private bcConns: any;
  private mux: any;
  private awareness: any;
  private _awarenessUpdateHandler: any;

   * @param {Y.Doc} doc
   * @param {TabsSyncProvider} provider
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {CryptoKey|null} key
  constructor (doc, provider, name, key) {
     * Do not assume that peerId is unique. This is only meant for sending signaling messages.
     * @type {string}
    this.peerId = random.uuidv4();
    this.doc = doc;
    // /**
    //  * @type {awarenessProtocol.Awareness}
    //  */
    this.awareness = provider.awareness;
    this.provider = provider;
    this.synced = false;
    this.name = name;
    // @todo make key secret by scoping
    this.key = key;
     * @type {Set<string>}
    this.bcConns = new Set();
    this.mux = createMutex();
    this.bcconnected = false;
     * @param {ArrayBuffer} data
    this._bcSubscriber = data =>
      cryptoutils.decrypt(new Uint8Array(data), key).then(m =>
        this.mux(() => {
          const reply = readMessage(this, m, () => {});
          if (reply) {
            broadcastBcMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(reply));
     * Listens to Yjs updates and sends them to remote peers
     * @param {Uint8Array} update
     * @param {any} origin
    this._docUpdateHandler = (update, origin) => {
      const encoder = encoding.createEncoder();
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, messageSync);
      syncProtocol.writeUpdate(encoder, update);
      broadcastRoomMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoder));
     * Listens to Awareness updates and sends them to remote peers
     * @param {any} changed
     * @param {any} origin
    this._awarenessUpdateHandler = ({ added, updated, removed }, origin) => {
      const changedClients = added.concat(updated).concat(removed);
      const encoderAwareness = encoding.createEncoder();
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoderAwareness, messageAwareness);
      encoding.writeVarUint8Array(encoderAwareness, awarenessProtocol.encodeAwarenessUpdate(this.awareness, changedClients));
      broadcastRoomMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoderAwareness));

    this._beforeUnloadHandler = () => {
      awarenessProtocol.removeAwarenessStates(this.awareness, [doc.clientID], 'window unload');
      rooms.forEach(room => {

    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeUnloadHandler);
    } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
      process.on('exit', this._beforeUnloadHandler);

  connect () {
    this.doc.on('update', this._docUpdateHandler);
    this.awareness.on('update', this._awarenessUpdateHandler)
    // signal through all available signaling connections
    const roomName = this.name;
    bc.subscribe(roomName, this._bcSubscriber);
    this.bcconnected = true;
    // broadcast peerId via broadcastchannel
    // write sync step 1
    const encoderSync = encoding.createEncoder();
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoderSync, messageSync);
    syncProtocol.writeSyncStep1(encoderSync, this.doc);
    broadcastBcMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoderSync));
    // broadcast local state
    const encoderState = encoding.createEncoder();
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoderState, messageSync);
    syncProtocol.writeSyncStep2(encoderState, this.doc);
    broadcastBcMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoderState));
    // write queryAwareness
    const encoderAwarenessQuery = encoding.createEncoder()
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoderAwarenessQuery, messageQueryAwareness)
    broadcastBcMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoderAwarenessQuery))
    // broadcast local awareness state
    const encoderAwarenessState = encoding.createEncoder()
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoderAwarenessState, messageAwareness)
    encoding.writeVarUint8Array(encoderAwarenessState, awarenessProtocol.encodeAwarenessUpdate(this.awareness, [this.doc.clientID]))
    broadcastBcMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoderAwarenessState))

  disconnect () {
    // signal through all available signaling connections
    awarenessProtocol.removeAwarenessStates(this.awareness, [this.doc.clientID], 'disconnect')
    // broadcast peerId removal via broadcastchannel
    const encoderPeerIdBc = encoding.createEncoder();
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoderPeerIdBc, messageBcPeerId);
    encoding.writeUint8(encoderPeerIdBc, 0); // remove peerId from other bc peers
    encoding.writeVarString(encoderPeerIdBc, this.peerId);
    broadcastBcMessage(this, encoding.toUint8Array(encoderPeerIdBc));

    bc.unsubscribe(this.name, this._bcSubscriber);
    this.bcconnected = false;
    this.doc.off('update', this._docUpdateHandler);
    this.awareness.off('update', this._awarenessUpdateHandler)

  destroy () {
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeUnloadHandler);
    } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
      process.off('exit', this._beforeUnloadHandler);

 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
 * @param {TabsSyncProvider} provider
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {CryptoKey|null} key
 * @return {Room}
const openRoom = (doc, provider, name, key) => {
  // there must only be one room
  if (rooms.has(name)) {
    throw error.create(`A Yjs Doc connected to room "${name}" already exists!`);
  const room = new Room(doc, provider, name, key);
  rooms.set(name, /** @type {Room} */ (room));
  return room;

 * @extends Observable<string>
export class TabsSyncProvider extends Observable<string> {
  private roomName: any;
  private doc: any;
  private filterBcConns: any;
  private shouldConnect: any;
  private maxConns: any;
  private key: any;
  private room: any;
  private awareness: any;

   * @param {string} roomName
   * @param {Y.Doc} doc
   * @param {Object} [opts]
   * @param {string?} [opts.password]
   * @param {awarenessProtocol.Awareness?} [opts.awareness]
   * @param {number?} [opts.maxConns]
   * @param {boolean?} [opts.filterBcConns]
  constructor (
      password = null,
      awareness = new awarenessProtocol.Awareness(doc),
      maxConns = 999999,//20 + math.floor(random.rand() * 15), // the random factor reduces the chance that n clients form a cluster
      filterBcConns = true,
    } = {}
  ) {
    this.roomName = roomName;
    this.doc = doc;
    this.filterBcConns = filterBcConns;
     * @type {awarenessProtocol.Awareness}
    this.awareness = awareness
    this.shouldConnect = false;
    this.maxConns = maxConns;
    // this.peerOpts = peerOpts;
     * @type {PromiseLike<CryptoKey | null>}
    this.key = password ? cryptoutils.deriveKey(password, roomName) : /** @type {PromiseLike<null>} */ (promise.resolve(null));
     * @type {Room|null}
    this.room = null;
    this.key.then(key => {
      this.room = openRoom(doc, this, roomName, key);
      if (this.shouldConnect) {
      } else {
    this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this);
    doc.on('destroy', this.destroy);

   * @type {boolean}
  get connected () {
    return this.room !== null && this.shouldConnect;

  connect () {
    this.shouldConnect = true;
    if (this.room) {

  disconnect () {
    this.shouldConnect = false;
    if (this.room) {

  destroy () {
    this.doc.off('destroy', this.destroy);
    // need to wait for key before deleting room
    this.key.then(() => {
      /** @type {Room} */ (this.room).destroy();

1 Like

only thing is I added final “;” on each line. and forced a maxConns of 99999, instead of ignoring it

it would be good that if you are using it, then other Providers do not broadcast changes on same Doc/room

Hi @ariel, thanks for sharing!