Yrs Elixir Bindings

I am in the process of creating an elixir port. Although some APIs are not yet implemented, it is already possible to implement the equivalent of y-websocket with elixir.
Erlang’s Beam VM cluster feature allows for realistic scaling without the need to set up Redis, etc.

Note that the package name is not yex. It was already in use with absolutely no utility when I set about implementing it.

Thanks to the authors of yjs and y-crdt.


I had already started implementing a Rustler NIF for yrs for my project and found this posted just 21h ago while searching for some answers. I had looked for an Elixir port multiple times. Thank you for sharing your work, and well done. You saved me a lot of time.

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Very cool, thanks for sharing!

I added it to the Yjs readme. Please feel free to open PRs to add it to other places if you want :slight_smile:

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